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    【安和律师事务所】知识产权 (IP) 中保密协议 (NDA)

    HOLawyers 发表于 25-3-2024 09:03:25 转发到朋友圈 删帖
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    知识产权 (IP) 中保密协议 (NDA):何时需要及其限制


    为何用 NDA?

    首先,保密协议可以持续有效直到双方同意的时间, 即使双方同意它们将永远受法律约束。如果任何一方违反了保密协议,违约方有责任向另一方支付赔偿损失。一些可以写入保密协议中的违约方可能遭受的行为包括赔偿损失、被法院下达命令,甚至被终止雇佣。

    这些严重的后果劝阻所有各方违反协议, 提供了机密材料不会被泄露的安全保障。它们还确保了未违约方如果其保密协议遭到违反,可以寻求正当的法律救济。









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    Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) for Intellectual Property (IP) Reasons: When is it Needed and its Limitations

    Non-Disclosure Agreements refer to legal contracts that aim to prevent confidential material from being shared with people or organisations that are not party to the agreement (IP Australia, N.D.). Non-Disclosure Agreements are not unique to the workplace; a non-disclosure agreement can be made in a settlement out of court where both parties agree not to let sensitive information regarding a legal dispute be released to the public. Nevertheless, this article aims to address Non-Disclosure Agreements in a workplace setting; the legal contract, and its use in intellectual property (IP) rights.

    Why the NDA?

    Firstly, an NDA can be kept for as long as the parties have agreed upon – even if both parties agree that they would be legally bound forever. If either party breaks the NDA, the offending party is liable to pay the other damages. Some of the actions suffered by offending parties that can be written into an NDA include recompensing damages for loss, being served a court order, and even having one’s employment terminated.

    These heavy consequences provide all parties with the security that confidential material will not be secreted. They also ensure that non-offending parties who have had their NDA contract violated can seek rightful legal recourse.

    Second, the comprehensiveness of NDAs makes them useful as a workplace contract. An NDA can be used to keep various kinds of information confidential. In the case of Intellectual Property, some of the IP that could be covered by an NDA include: Ideas, inventions, formulas, cooking recipes, and business or organisational methods. Having an NDA communicates to all parties involved who the parties are and their respective roles, the specific information that should be kept confidential, and the legal actions that they are liable to if they break the NDA.

    Third, NDAs cover beyond IP rights, extending secrecy protection coverage to trade secrets. It can apply to keeping certain information secret, even while releasing patent specification to the public. In some cases, patent rights in the form of (IP) may not be ideal given a product’s short lifespan. An NDA that covers information classified as trade secrets would be important in such cases.

    When to Make an NDA?

    NDAs are typically made between parties before sharing or disclosing confidential or personal information. This is to prevent classified information of employers or organisations from being shared with external parties. In general, NDAs should be made whenever you work with new business partners, employees and contractors, industrial and graphic designers, manufacturers, financial advisors, marketing and public relations firms, and investors.

    Limitations to an NDA

    Once an NDA has been drafted, the agreement applies for as long as the NDA holds. However, in the case of Australia, while the terms and conditions of an NDA apply as long as it holds, it is only enforceable in the state/s or country/countries that were specified in the agreement. As such, legal actions against the offending party will have to be done in the Courts of Law in the state/s specified by the NDA.

    Another matter of note is that NDAs cover only the agreed upon confidential information learnt by a party while they are in contract with the other party. Many organisations and employers draft NDAs that may last a few years post-employment, with contractors and employees. However, while the NDAs will apply to former employees until the time period stipulated in the NDA is over, confidential information learnt by the employee after the termination of employment is not legally covered by the NDA.

    NDAs are important workplace contracts that require detailed and thoughtful specifications and clauses. At H&O Lawyers, our lawyers possess the legal expertise to help you draft NDA agreements that will properly protect you, your organisation, and your employees.

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    H & O Lawyers 不会对您根据本文采取的任何行动承担法律责任。
    Adelaide office
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    Sydney office (By appointment only)
    Level 9/25 Bligh Street, Sydney 2000

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