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    【安和律师事务所】Importance of a Properly Written Will

    HOLawyers 发表于 6-4-2021 18:01:23 转发到朋友圈 删帖
    4665 0


    Many of us find excuses to put off making a Will foranother day or worse decide that a DIY Will Kit is sufficient to properlysafeguard your estate and wishes - they are not.
    If you die without a Will (or pass away with an invalid will), it is known as dying intestate, and the laws of intestacy apply where your estate will be distributed with a standard formula set out by the state government law. In this case, it is very difficult to deal with the assets of a deceased that are solely in their name and majority of the assets can only be dealt with after someone makes an application to the Supreme Court to be granted a document called ‘Letters of Administration’. If multiple applications are made such as former partners, children or other interested parties, it can result in litigation so that the Court can decide who to appoint, again causing delay and costing money that may be needed after you pass.
    A Properly Written Will

    A properly written Will can provide the following:

    ·         *  Distribution according to your wishes and notunder the rules of intestacy
    ·         *  Nomination of your executors and beneficiaries
    ·         *  Permits nomination of a guardian for minors
    ·         *  Provides an option to make specific bequeststo individuals and charities
    If you would like to prepare a Will, simply email us at [email protected] or call at 08 8410 9069 to arrange for appointment.  Straits Lawyers are now offering a 15-minute free consultation.
    Please note that this article does not constitute legal advice.

    (08) 8410 9069

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    Adelaide SA 5000

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