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      [吐槽爆料] Trump Booed On First Trip to Hometown As President

      jian11 发表于 5-5-2017 20:17:54 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      1290 0


      Hundreds of protesters lined up Thursday along Manhattan's West Side Highway to jeer President Trump's motorcade as he made his first trip home to New York since his inauguration.  Trump sped by just before 7pm on his way to attend a dinner with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull aboard the USS Intrepid, a decommissioned aircraft carrier that is now a museum.  The crowd booed and chanted "New York hates you!" over drums and tambourines.  Protesters in several tightly-controlled pens of demonstrators near the Intrepid held signs saying "Dump Trump."  Some passing cars honked in support.

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