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Contemporary Issues in Accounting (ACCT 3003) $40DeeganC 2009, Financial Accounting Theory, 3, McGraw Hill, Sydney
Introductionto e-Business$70 LaudonK.C. and Traver C.G 2012, E-commerce: business, technology, society, 8thedition, Pearson / Addison Wesley, Boston, Boston
FinancialAccounting 2&3 (ACCT 2005&ACCT 3007) Leo,K., Hoggett, J. and Sweeting, J. 2012, Company accounting, 8th Edition,John Wiley, Sydney
Accounting Handbook2011
Contact Number: 0430585833(Vodafone)
Contact number: 0430162572 Rita
ManagementPrinciples (BUSS 1054) $50 Davidson,P.Simon, A. Woods, P & Griffin, R.W. 2009, Management: Core conceptsand 6 J)c. l- E# @. N applications,2nd edition,Wiley, Brisbane.
InternationalEconomics (ECON 2009) $75 KrugmanP.R. and Obstfeld M 2009, International Economics; theory andpolicy, 8thedition, Addison Wesley Longman, New York. CompetitiveStrategy (BUSS 3046) $75 BensankoD, Dranove D, Shanley M and Schaeffer S 2009, Economics ofStrategy, 4th ed,John Wiley New York. Foundations of HumanResource Management $70 Stone, R J 2010, Managing Human Resources, 3rd, Wiley, Milton,Queensland
Marketing for Services $70 Lovelock, C H, Patterson, P G & Wirtz, J 2011, Services marketing:an Asia-Pacific and Australian perspective, 5th, Pearson, Australia