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      [灌水] 来澳洲6年以上的朋友们,大家是咋想的

      feichengwurao 发表于 4-6-2013 22:55:27 来自手机 转发到朋友圈 删帖
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      本帖最后由 feichengwurao 于 2013-6-4 23:30 编辑


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      cocoli 发表于 4-6-2013 23:03:48
      一句话“是金子在哪都会发光” 跟环境没关系,只有彻底的’失败者‘才会把自己的失败归结在环境和外力因素上。 不能脚踏实地开创事业,就继续迷茫下去吧~~~
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      Isabelwang 发表于 4-6-2013 23:05:47
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       楼主| feichengwurao 发表于 4-6-2013 23:09:42 来自手机
      cocoli 发表于 2013-6-4 23:33
      一句话“是金子在哪都会发光” 跟环境没关系,只有彻底的’失败者‘才会把自己的失败归结在环境和外力因素上 ...

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      Pyree 发表于 4-6-2013 23:09:42
      本帖最后由 Pyree 于 2013-6-4 22:48 编辑

      No change and no regret at all. I am much better in Australia than in HK or in China. Australia wins without contest. Australia is rank number 1 in housing, education, healthcare, food safety, public safety, social justice, standard of living, lifestyle, resource and welfare, out of HK, China and Australia.

      Job opportunity will be similar for me in pretty much everywhere in the world. But the salary in Australia is much better unless they pay me international rate in HK or China.

      Things that HK beats Australia are communication, public transport, and shopping hours. The only thing China beats Australia in is the price of labourer.
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      careyzhu123 发表于 4-6-2013 23:14:10
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       楼主| feichengwurao 发表于 4-6-2013 23:35:57 来自手机
      本帖最后由 feichengwurao 于 2013-6-5 00:30 编辑
      Pyree 发表于 2013-6-4 23:39
      No change and no regret at all. I am much better in Australia than in HK or in China. Australia win  ...

      I have just read an article in ANJ, I was so angry and felt that it is not fair for people from overseas working in Australian. There is no appreciation but prejudice. I am sharing the article below and wondering how u think.

      Leave in despair by someone name withheld
      I have just read the letter submitted by a grad nurse regarding overseas nurses paying $10000 to universities in Victoria to complete their study here. I have to assume that the hospitals are at least being financially encouraged to employ these nurses ahead of local grads? There appears to be little regards to skills sets or culture differences that may impact on a nurses ability to commicate and advocate for a patient. I have been a critical care nurse for over 20 years and am now leaving bedside nursing in despair- the intensive care unit I worked in is staffed at night by over90% overseas nurses. The vast majority had never worked in an intensive care unit, never worked out of their country of origin,let alone an Australian intensive care unit. It is no surprise that nurses with less than adequate English language skills are on night duty with less patient/ nurse contact. It is unfair to patients and the nurses involved, listening to conversations involving pain levels where neither patient nor nurse understand each other. How can we advocate for patients or the graduate nurses who are so well trained and are not being given opportunities they need? What about the nurses who come here with expectations after paying so much money? What of their rights? How do they feel about welcome they receive? We have created a two-tiered system of, as a doctor in ICU put it, A and B nurses. Nursing has always been collegiate, it would be great if we could work it out so that all nurses, local and overseas, have a great time working in Australian and I think it might just involve... More education,

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       楼主| feichengwurao 发表于 4-6-2013 23:40:51 来自手机
      本帖最后由 feichengwurao 于 2013-6-5 00:15 编辑
      Isabelwang 发表于 2013-6-4 23:35

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       楼主| feichengwurao 发表于 4-6-2013 23:48:45 来自手机
      careyzhu123 发表于 2013-6-4 23:44

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      RAN2071003 发表于 4-6-2013 23:49:56 来自手机
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