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Aishah 发表于 12-11-2011 18:30:51
本帖最后由 Aishah 于 2011-12-4 19:08 编辑
our house is located at harris st Netley, which is about 5km from centre market, bus stop 8B. 5-10minutes walk to Marleston tafe. 3minutes walk to bus stop, 15-20 minutes by bus to adelaide uni, adelaide uni language school, unisa west and east campus. close to public transport, close to shops and patrol station. the house equipped with big kitchen, bathroom, study room, centre air conditioner, front yard and back yard gardens.
one room is available now.
the size of the room is about 12sqm, a lovely, cute comfortable room contains a single bed, bed side table, lamp, study table and chairs, a wardrobe with mirror.
rental is $120 include all bills, which are electricity, gas ,water, internet, toilet paper, dishwashing liquid etc
housemates are all Chinese students, they study in adelaide uni.
house owner is a professional, working full time; live separate with renting house.
if you want to live in free, like living in your own home, here it is.
no pat, no couple.
mobile: 0431246256
QQ: 454981538
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