本帖最后由 mqrcharlie 于 2012-12-13 23:51 编辑
最近在找农场的活, 找到一个在hahndorf草莓场的工作, 但是发邮件询问后,才发现是介绍工作的,需要付150刀工作的介绍费用 ,然后必须要至少做15周(多做可以到5月底或6月底), 一周上30到40个小时的班,一小时13.5刀。
1, Work starting on 6:30am 2, Willingness to work minimum 15 weeks or until end of May or Jun 2013 3, $13.50 hourly rate (Cash)/ 30-40hrs per week 4, Second Visa is available upon request 5, I make my living out of introducing workers to farms and agents and I hope you can understand that I am spending petrol, time & effort on the road to find job opportunities for others. I kindly ask you to pay me job referral fee of $150 per person in cash on the first day of work.