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      [灌水] all i ever wanted

      spinach 发表于 25-12-2011 23:30:16 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      377 2


      My love,

      It’s great to have you in my heart and to be able to feel you close to me all day long. I never get to miss you because I know you are always with me, even when we have many roads and miles between us.
      I never get to miss you because I have you in my thoughts all the time; you are constantly in my heart, feeding my soul with love and affection, and leaving me with this feeling of fulfillment and happiness.
      I can’t thank faith enough for having found you. I only regret the lost time, I regret not having met you before… But here’s a little secret, which can also be a life motto: "happiness, even if late!"
      Still, I will not complain about luck; on the contrary, I just thank the fact that I am with you now, enjoying your presence, your intimacy, the sweetness and delicacy of your gestures, your skin and all the pleasure it gives me when it touches mine.
      You are everything I ever wanted in my life. You are everything I love and wanted to love. You give me this feeling of fulfillment like nothing else in the world can. I am sending you this letter with all my affection: it was written with the soul intention of declaring my most pure and devoted love for you.


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