Yyyyyyyyyyyyy |
本帖最后由 Pyree 于 2013-7-28 23:12 编辑 There is. At Semaphore Beach. http://www.semaphoresa.com.au/thingstodo.asp Semaphore Beach has great facilities. Henley Beach is on the mouth of River Torrens so you can choose to walk the beach or the river. Then there is Hallett Cove which has rich geological history. |
水上樂園啊! |
对了,忘说了,这里还会每年举办比基尼小姐大赛哦,具体什么时间我记不得了,你可以去官网里看到,我上次和我老公一起去的,太多美女了,还见到了明星佘诗曼呢,就是在举办比基尼大赛,问了之后,工作人员说冠军有二十万奖金哦,可惜我身材不行,要不我也,我老公上次看美女,脖子都扭伤了,后来我回去还帮他按摩 |
为啥阿德莱德连个游乐场,水上乐园都没头呢,老外一天到晚喝咖啡,去酒吧,腻不腻阿,请问悉尼或其他城市有这种水上乐园吗 |
Ccccccccccccq |