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      楼主: Magna
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      [其他球类] 阿德莱德麒麟足球队 (20.Mar 更新) -- 3月19号比赛成绩公布

       楼主| Magna 发表于 5-10-2010 08:38:16
      UP.... UP....
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       楼主| Magna 发表于 7-10-2010 09:57:56
      本帖最后由 Magna 于 2010-10-7 10:03 编辑

      30,31.Oct Team Trip to Murray Bridge and Victor Harbor
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       楼主| Magna 发表于 8-10-2010 11:43:04
      up up up....
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      bakchamdao 发表于 8-10-2010 14:07:09
      I used to be a goalie but dislocated both my shoulders in martial arts, cannot goal keeping anymore. Have been playing striker since then.

      Will probably go to see your match this Sunday and cheer for you guys! Good luck!
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       楼主| Magna 发表于 9-10-2010 10:51:48
      回复 178# bakchamdao

          thank you, this sun, 1pm at ADL High School, plz give me a call if u come. Thanks
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       楼主| Magna 发表于 9-10-2010 19:42:03
      回复 178# bakchamdao

      hi there
      if u come to see the match tomorrow 1pm, plz come to unley rd, on your left side towards greenhill rd.

      as the goals were taken away at ADL High

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       楼主| Magna 发表于 10-10-2010 17:01:57
      回复 178# bakchamdao

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       楼主| Magna 发表于 10-10-2010 19:01:34
      本帖最后由 Magna 于 2010-10-11 14:10 编辑


      DSC_0243.JPG (238.33 KB, 下载次数: 0)

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      bakchamdao 发表于 11-10-2010 11:52:04
      Good game. pity didn't win...  wonderful goals!

      I am not professional, don't dare to give any advice. This is my thoughts:

      1. You have a good Goal keeper but need more experience. Need to improve reflexes and positioning.

      2. Your speed, technique and mentality are much better than the opponents. However, you don't have a "core" (a player who can direct the whole team) in your team, and you will also need 1 leader in defence (generally it's the goalie) and 1 leader in midfield.

      3. Great team work and good passes. You'll need better connection between teammates, the support range between your players are too far, timing and positioning also need to be improved.

      4. Stronger pressing in defence would be a benefit.

      Just my thoughts. You guys are great! Looking forward to your next game.

      What's your contact phone number please? Thank you.
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       楼主| Magna 发表于 12-10-2010 12:26:57
      由于阿高的场地现在在维护,所以我们的主场暂时改到,Unley Rd 和 Greenhill Rd的交界处。
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