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    靚房整套出租 近Flinders Uni, Marion Shopping Center, bus 直通city

    li02052004 发表于 22-1-2014 13:40:57 转发到朋友圈 删帖
    706 0


    Morphettville 三室两厅两卫两车库大house, 地理位置优越,交通便利,环境幽雅,5分钟到local小学和幼儿园。近Flinders Uni, Marion Shopping Center, bus 25分钟直通city

    感兴趣者请在realestate 网站上 查看详细信息和图片

    请联系Zenon @ 0414 505 021 预约看房

    3 Bedroom Family Home Excellent Location
    This 3 bedrooms home in Morphettville is only a minute walk to the Marion Council Swimming Pool, the bus stop into the city or Westfield Marion and only few mins by car to the local Coles Parkholme shopping center. Less than 10 mins driving to Brighton and Glenelg beach.

    With 2 bathrooms, air conditioning, a formal lounge, formal dining room and large outdoor undercover entertaining area it will provide convenient easy living.

    Walk to the local swimming pool or take a leisurely walk through the newly constructed wetlands on Oaklands Road or sit with a drink and relax under the outdoor undercover area.

    6 or 12 months lease available, pets by negotiation.

    Please check the ad for viewing times or call 8291 9488 for an appointment to view.

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