new house at richmond, close to city ,very nice clean. .购物便利,步行几分钟,可到shopping center, 加油站,woolworth, 邮局J1 J2 ,167,168直达City,南澳大学和阿德莱德大学,720 直达china town, 房间光线好,有空调,家具,电器齐全,提供厨房用具,包水,电,煤气,宽带,House has two bathrooms and two toilets, two car parks
1 single rooms 10 m2, $135/week,
一个双人间 17 m2, has a bath room and toilet in the room and plus 衣帽间. $200/per week l
Convenient buses' J1 J2 J3 stop 5B (adelaide Uni, and Unisa)
,168 Stop 4(adelaide Uni , and Unisa, Gelengl beach)
720 stop 2(Chinatown, Flinders Uni
mobile 0405117438
email: [email protected] |