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Auditing Theory and Practice(ACCT 3005)
Ÿ Arens, A. etal, Auditing, Assurance Service &Ethics Australia 8E
Ÿ Fiedler, B. Student Guide to Accompany Auditing,Assurance & Ethics in Australia 8E
Ÿ CPA AuditingAssurance & Ethics Handbook 2011
(3 BOOKS IN TOTAL) VERY NEW! $150$120$110$100 --> $70
(or 2 books for $120$100$90$80 --> $60)
FinancialAccounting 2 and 3 (ACCT 2005, ACCT 2007)
Ÿ Leo, K etal. Company Accounting 8E $80$70--> $50
ManagementAccounting (ACCT 2006)
Ÿ Horngren,C. et al. Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis 13th ed
+MyAccounting Lab $90$80$70$60 --> $50
Financial Planning (BANK 2008)
Ÿ Beal,D. & McKeown, W. Persoinal finance 4E $90$80$70--> $50
Management Principles (BUSS 1054)
Ÿ Davidson, Pet al. Management: Core Concepts & Applications 2E $80$70--> $50
Issues in Accounting Theory (ACCT 3003)
Ÿ Deegan,C. Financial Accounting Theory 3E $70 --> $50
Portfolio and Fund Management (BANK3004)
Ÿ Bodie Z, Kane A and Marcus AJ 2010, Essentials ofInvestments, 8, The McGraw-Hill Companies
Ÿ Bodie Z, Kane and Marcus AJ 2010, Solutions manual toaccompany essentials of investments, 8, The McGraw-Hill Companies. (2books) for only $160 --> $150
Someof the books had changed the edition. However the previous edition is still thesame or similar compare with the latest edition. You can still have it if youwant! Contact me. It’s really cheap (already discounted & discounted). TheCheapest!!!!!!!!! All are very new~
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