本人來自台灣,女生,持WHV, 刻苦耐勞,會做家政事務、打掃等, 剛到阿德求工作,兼職也可以,每天都可上班如有需求, 可聯繫0406987121 or Email address: [email protected]
I am Jenny . I come from Taiwan and arrived in Adelaide on 11th Sep. 2014. I am looking for a job. My visa is Working Holiday visa, so I can work for the samehirer for six months. I am a highly energetic person, hard working anddetermined.I would be thrilled to be given this position. I am available for aninterview when convenient in your schedule. Thank you for your consideration and I look forwardto hearing from you. You can be reached at 0406987121 or via email [email protected]