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      [技师/工人/学徒] 阿德莱德太阳能组件厂招工人,技术员 Tind

      Zoe_Avocado 发表于 9-9-2024 07:31:01 来自手机 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      1679 1



      Tindo Solar
      Mawson Lakes, Adelaide SA

      Assembly & Process Worker (Manufacturing)

      Full time / $25 – $32 per hour

      At Tindo, our sole purpose is to harness the potential of the Australian sun, creating sustainable solar solutions.

      Tindo is Australia's only manufacturer of Solar PV Modules and enjoys a strong presence in both the retail and commercial sector in South Australia. Conveniently located at Technology Park in Mawson Lakes.
      Company culture and staff development are a priority of management, so if you are looking for recognition of hard work in a dynamic and progressive environment, then read on.
      A full-time opportunity currently exists in our Manufacturing Team for a quality motivated and enthusiastic individual to join our dynamic team as production worker. our high-tech environment requires individuals who enjoy working to the highest standards whilst following strict operating procedures to ensure the highest quality outcome is always achieved.

      Job tasks include;

      - Soldering busbar for circuit of solar arrays
      - Checking & EL(Electroluminescence) inspection on circuit before lamination
      - Operating some machines
      - Loading materials on machines
      - Assembling frames & junction box
      - Measuring power for solar panels

      The successful candidate will have the following attributes

      - Good communication skills
      - Dependable & reliable team player
      - Well presented / mannered
      - Basic mechanical aptitude
      - Punctual & Respectful
      - Ability to work autonomously if required
      - Ability to carry out tasks to a consistently high standard

      All training will be provided, no experience in the manufacturing industry is required but would be an advantage. Job advancement is available to the right applicant.

      At Tindo, we embrace the diversity and vibrancy that our multicultural society offers. We wholeheartedly welcome individuals from various backgrounds, ages, cultures, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities to apply and contribute to our team.
      All applications will be held in the strictest confidence.

      This position provides an excellent opportunity for the right person who is looking for a supportive, team environment. If you are honest, reliable and enjoy getting the job done then forward us your CV and Covering letter explaining why you are right for the role.

      Please send an email to: [email protected]
      or enroll on the Tindo website on the career page if you're interested.

      BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

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       楼主| Zoe_Avocado 发表于 2-1-2025 10:58:49 来自手机

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