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      [灌水] Littlelu and Its Theory of "Ni Ma Ge Sha Bi"!

      jian11 发表于 8-6-2017 08:20:47 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      4390 23


      Just reply to your theory of "Ni Ma Ge Sha Bi" here in one lot.

      1.In Rome, Do as Romans do.  This is my personal protection everywhere in the world.
      2.You blame me for not speaking good english, please do so here with your authentic english language.
      3.According to your theory and penchant of "Sha Bi",  you are the exactly right one of "Ni Ma Ge Sha Bi" which literally meaning "A Real Stupid Vagina". Can this conclusion hold the water?
      4.Just challenging your futile threatening of "my miserable death" in this water/gossip zone, as I don't think that other netizens will be interested in the fighting of two naked swines in the mud.
      5.Irresponsible One shot of gloating over our fighting not appreciated.

      Do you agree?
      What do you think?

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       楼主| jian11 发表于 8-6-2017 08:25:37
      Just a survey to see the outcome.
      Nothing else.
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       楼主| jian11 发表于 8-6-2017 08:31:28
      My job is done.
      It's your turn.

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      卡卡看 发表于 8-6-2017 22:17:31
      本来我就觉得中国文化非常牛逼, 我也为我能说汉语和是中国人而感到自豪。
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       楼主| jian11 发表于 9-6-2017 08:50:08
      卡卡看 发表于 8-6-2017 22:17
      本来我就觉得中国文化非常牛逼, 我也为我 ...

      Can you represent all chinese?
      God anoints you this mission or chinese people authorize you this mandate?
      Chinese people must speak chinese and those who don't speak chinese are not chinese.  Is this your mindset?
      You are already "ru xiang", did you "shui su"?
      Chinese website should speak chinese?  All netizens here are all chinese, not included other nationals from other Asian countries?
      Did Michael Chang, American Tennis star speak chinese?  What is his "Xue Tong"?
      Did Gary, former US ambassador in china, should speak chinese, because of his chinese "Xue Tong"?
      You are proud of chinese culture, and you think chinese culture is very "Niu Bi", I agree.
      According to your mindset, everyone has to be as zealous as you to talk about a very "Niu Bi" chinese culture?
      If you tag chinese culture with "Niu Bi", is this a culture people around world will adore and embrace?  
      A confident people will not threaten others, and a confident culture will not assimilate diverse culture.  Did Australian government ordered to shut down china town because this is in Australia and you don't speak English and "you are not welcome here!"

      A Naked person and ignorant person, like you, has no sense of shame.
      ("the man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame."---Genesis 3:10)
      ("The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them."---Genesis 3:21)

      Maybe you will say we are chinese, we must talk about chinese culture.  Ok, in chinse:  Do you understand : Ji su bu yu, wu shi yu ren. Meaning that if you don't love it, you don't expect others to love it as much as you do.

      My vantage point is: Chinese culture is one of the greatest culture branches in the world, which carried and inherited by over 1 billion chinese people in the world regardless of their langugues, skin colour and no matter where they are.  Language is just a symbol and a tool, it is used to express something.  Chinese culture, can be expressed by languages, Very "NIU BI", as you describe it such.  Chinese culture, can also be expressed by music, art, and your true heart, and most important, by your daily personal deeds and behaviour.
      Can you promote chinese culure by just saying it very "Niu Bi" in the world and convince others to accept you "Niu Bi" theory of chinese culture?

      Promulgating chinese culture, beginning from every one of those who really cherish and embrace it, beginning from you and me doing something which can honour chinese culture instead of just having a narcissistic lip service of "Niu Bi".

      Kakakan, One thing I want to Warn you that If other people hold different views than yours, they are not "Bitches"!  They just have a different mindset.

      At the moment, you behave quite normally and argue with reasonable points, for which I appreciated.  That's why I wrote so much here in a hurry.  I hope you can understand what I mean and do not look at and stick to the navel of the language itself.  English is my second language, it is not my mother tongue.

      Look to heaven, you will see the height of heaven.
      Stand high, you will see the whole world.
      Have a more tool(like another language, another skills, etc), you will tolerate more and respect more.
      Be generous! A confident culture should be!!!

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       楼主| jian11 发表于 9-6-2017 09:09:33
      卡卡看 发表于 8-6-2017 22:17
      本来我就觉得中国文化非常牛逼, 我也为我 ...

      I like this kind of debate.  I hope it will not be "killed" by some ideological elements or under the hypercritical veneer of "chinese people" and "Xue Tong".

      "Xue Tong" is given by God, When God created man and woman, he didn't say It is Adam's "Xue Tong" or Eve's "Xue Tong".  In the beginning of the Book of Genesis, Fair and Love were already in this world.

      Envy Rots the Bone.  Read the story of Cain and Abel in the Book of Genesis, the first murder in human history.

      Hope you can understand what I really mean behind the words.

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       楼主| jian11 发表于 9-6-2017 09:25:52
      卡卡看 发表于 8-6-2017 22:17
      本来我就觉得中国文化非常牛逼, 我也为我 ...

      1.Whether I am welcomed here is not decided by you, Kakakan,  it is decided by the authority, that is Adelaide BBS.  If BBS think I violated the rules, they surely have their decision.  Mind your own business and do you own job well!

      2."I am not welcomed" as you said, Look at your posts and my posts.  How many posts you have posted?  How long you stay online in this BBS?

      3. It's your turn!  

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      卡卡看 发表于 9-6-2017 09:36:33
      用简短精辟的语言驳斥我, 不要长篇大论,没时间看!!

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       楼主| jian11 发表于 9-6-2017 09:38:55
      卡卡看 发表于 8-6-2017 22:17
      本来我就觉得中国文化非常牛逼, 我也为我 ...

      "It is not good to have zeal without knowledge,
      Nor to be hasty and miss the way." ---Proverb 19:2

      "A heart at peace gives life to the body,
      But Envy Rots The Bone."---Proverb 14:30

      Kakakan, Do you agree?
      What do you think?
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      卡卡看 发表于 9-6-2017 10:01:27
      1. 英语非我母语, 在表达上肯定会有不准确的, 所以我更倾向汉语

      2. 对于加拿大那个歧视华人的事件, 我个人是非常厌恶种族歧视, 但是:
           (1), 学不学和说不说英语这是每个人决定和意愿, 我不会妄加评论, (说实话和我没关系啊!)
           (2), 我之所以说那句话, 是因为我觉得你的立场更偏向那个坐轮椅的女子
           (3), 我觉得我要向那位帮助轮椅女的阿姨学习
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