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      [其他求助信息] Glenunga High 入学条件

      hunt_easter 发表于 20-1-2014 15:52:16 转发到朋友圈 删帖
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      leekuu 发表于 4-4-2014 09:46:04
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      alexwu 发表于 8-4-2014 20:53:35
      How to Enrol

      Enrolment at GIHS is governed by the Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) policy; as applying to zoned state schools. All students in zone have the right of enrolment. Information on the policy and zone boundaries may be obtained from Glenunga International High School, or from DECD.

      Acceptance of an enrolment in an out of zone secondary school depends on whether the number of enrolments at that school exceeds the number of places available.

      Enrolments for the IGNITE Program are managed through a selective entry process and enolments for International Students are managed through the Assistant Principal for International.

      Year 8 entry

      To enter Glenunga International High School at Year 8, families make application via the student’s primary school.

      Year 9 –12 entry

      Enrolment enquiries Years 9 - 12 should be directed in the first instance to the Principal’s secretary, [email protected]. In zone students are enrolled according to DECD and school’s policy; however, subject availability varies from time to time. An interview is required and previous reports should be presented at this time. Proof of address; and a Statutory Declaration of the student’s primary place of residence will be required at interview.

      Out of zone and Exchange Students

      Initially, out of zone applicants will be placed on a waiting list. If a vacancy arises, acceptance of the enrolment will be contingent upon the interview. Previous reports are required and other information, such as a portfolio and reference letters, may be useful. Consideration will be given to students wishing to undertake the IB diploma; IGNITE co-class; and from other students who have genuine interest in International Education.


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      alexwu 发表于 8-4-2014 20:54:20
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