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      [其他] Wish to meet your special someone? How about start dancing now!

      bakchamdao 发表于 12-6-2013 01:26:54 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      3232 0


      本帖最后由 bakchamdao 于 2013-6-12 02:04 编辑

      Salsa Classes and Social Dancing with La Salsa Adelaide.


      Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced:

      La Salsa offers classes for all levels - brand new beginners, right through to more advanced students. We pride ourselves on our ability to make all classes fun and ensure that they happen in a supportive environment.

      In 2013 we will commence a series of eight week courses that will help to develop footwork, technique and personal styling. Every student at La Salsa is unique, every student has their own interpretation of the moves, and every student has their own flare to bring to the art of dancing. We aim to cater to all of our students and indeed encourage everyone to be as creative as possible. Where would the fun come from if everyone danced the same?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      Every Wednesday evening - Salsa 8 week progressive course

      26th June - 14 August  |  21st August - 9th October  |  16th October - 4 December

      6:30 - 7:30 pm   Beginners Salsa
      7:30 - 8:30 pm   Intermediate Salsa

      (Bachata workshop coming soon)

      No need to book or bring a partner, please feel free to pop in anytime. $10 per class or $15 for both classes

      8:30 - 9:30 pm   Social Dancing (free & everyone welcome)

      Location:Verve Bar & Kitchen, Westfield Marion SA

      Verve Bar & Kitchen very generously supports La Salsa Adelaide. Throughout 2012, and continuing in 2013, we use their beautiful upstairs dance floor to run classes and social afternoons. It is as a result of their support that we are able to continue with our classes and we extend them many thanks for this. Verve Bar & Kitchen is a wonderful place to salsa as the friendly staff are both encouraging and positive, and their contemporary facilities are welcoming and open to all.

      For full details on their menu and facilities please visit their web page and mobile app.http://www.vervebar.com.au/

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