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      [其他求助信息] 关于ETAX退税

      jamie_maxx 发表于 8-7-2012 21:19:58 转发到朋友圈 删帖
      7515 5


      退税开始了,想使用etax 2012退税,但是有些问题不是很明白。
      特别是tax offset 中T5 项 private health insurance 这一项。
      因为本人是学生,目前的保险是oshc worldcare,
      请问下这个oshc 是否属于private health insurance,
      如果属于的话,这项中G/Gross premium 中是否填oshc 一年的保险费呢?


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      qpale9872 发表于 8-7-2012 22:59:14
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      candice331 发表于 12-7-2012 22:01:25
      不属于,你不用管那项了,除非你是local,并且有private hospital的
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      vivian023 发表于 5-8-2012 17:02:48
      If your taxable income is abaove a centain level, you will need to pay Medicare levy if you haven't got medicare levy exemption certificate.  As you are a overseas student, you are not entitle for medicare service, so you can fill in the form "Application for Madicate Levy Exemption" and post it to Medicare It takes about one month.
      Also, if your taxable income is high enough for them to assesse whether you need to pay medicare levy surcharge if you haven't got private health insurance.  Well, I am not 100% sure oshc is a type of private health insurance, but those private health insurance companies won't allow non-PR to buy their normal policy and have to push you to buy the insurance for visitors or overseas students.  So in this case, I may treat OSHC a type of private health insurance as it covers GP, public hosiptals, emergency etc.
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       楼主| jamie_maxx 发表于 6-8-2012 00:58:35
      vivian023 发表于 2012-8-5 17:02
      If your taxable income is abaove a centain level, you will need to pay Medicare levy if you haven't  ...

      thank you very much. the Tax help told me the oshc is eligible for the medicare levy exemption
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      vivian023 发表于 10-8-2012 22:31:54
      jamie_maxx 发表于 2012-8-6 00:58
      thank you very much. the Tax help told me the oshc is eligible for the medicare levy exemption

      yea, overseas students with OSHC is eligible for claiming medicare levy exemption, but you still need to apply for a certificate from Medicare.
      https://www.medicareaustralia.go ... purposes_011005.pdf
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