1ce once
2 to
26y4u too sexy for you
2day today
2mor tomorrow
2moro tomorrow
2morrow tomorrow
2nite tonight
3sum threesome
4 for
911 emergency - call me
add address
afaik as far as i know
agreemt agreement
aka also known as
asap as soon as possible
atb all the best
ayor at your own risk
b be
b/c because
b4 before
b4n or bfn bye for now
bbl be back late(r)
bcnu be seeing you
b'day birthday
bhl8 be home late
bil boss is listening
brb be right back
btdt been there done that
btw by the way
buzz off buzz off
c see
cid consider it done
cmi call me
coz because
ctr center
cu see you
cu @ see you around
cub l8r call you back later
cul see you later
cul8tr see you later
cuz because
cyr bos call your boss
cyr bro call your brother
cyr h call your husband
cyr ma call your mother
cyr ofis call your office
cyr pa call your father
cyr sis call your sister
cyr wf call your wife
d or de the
da the
don doing
dylm do you like me
ez easy
f2f face to face
f2t free to talk
fotflol falling on the floor, laughing out loud
fyi for your infromation
gal get a life
gr8 great
grt great
gtg got to go
gudluk good luck |
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