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  • 阿德莱德大学工科PHD,能做高中任何科目家教,本科工程科目家教。

    查看数: 8542 | 评论数: 28 | 收藏 0
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    发布时间: 27-2-2013 12:29


    本帖最后由 dreamingchan 于 2013-6-4 00:08 编辑 First of all,I am a PHD student in Adelaide University and my major is petroleum engineering, which requires a extremely high level of geosciences and ...


    ryanrkmt 发表于 3-7-2013 18:21:44
    Here is my 2 cents worth...perhaps you should offer a one-hour free trial, let the students decide if you are good or not...nonetheless keep up the good work! Wish you all the best!
    dreamingchan 发表于 13-3-2013 18:06:46
    baseunderattact 发表于 2013-3-12 14:57
    本来是在bbs上看乱七八糟的东西,结果误打误撞因为标题进来了这个帖子。首先不是很了解楼主的专业领域,所以 ...

    baseunderattact 发表于 12-3-2013 14:27:39
    再在邪恶的好奇心的驱使下,证实了楼主99%不是目前enrolled在adelaide uni的phd学生,应该是master学生。所以标题上这样写是不对的。做科研的人嘛,还是要求实一点啊
    dreamingchan 发表于 12-3-2013 06:55:03
    dreamingchan 发表于 11-3-2013 20:50:36
    thewatcher 发表于 2013-3-11 12:19
    I am from Hubei as well.

    Currently my friend, another international engineering student whose fi ...

    For one thing, I am familiar with the software which major function is stress and modal analysis and can be applied in porous flow media. Unfortunately I am a petroleum engineer, and my specific research area is reservoir simulation using streamline concept. There are tow main software that I use to solve problems, one is math studio (combine with matlab) the other is basin analysis. Therefore, I may not  able to assist your friend.

    For the other thing, I am fully capable of  promoting you with your English learning. If you are interested, you can add my QQ ID and we can discuss the issue further and in details.
    dreamingchan 发表于 11-3-2013 20:36:58
    熬神 发表于 2013-3-11 10:53
    前几天朋友想找个家教 让我来帮她看看. 万万没料到家教都造假  我朋友看后直接吐血了.

    这位PHD哥说自己雅 ...

    thewatcher 发表于 11-3-2013 11:49:59
    I am from Hubei as well.

    Currently my friend, another international engineering student whose first language isn't English is seeking for a tutor to teach him finite element analysis software ANSYS. Do you have experience in that?

    In addition, I am interested in your English teaching as well. How many students have you taught IELTS before? What is the score of them?

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