Here is my 2 cents worth...perhaps you should offer a one-hour free trial, let the students decide if you are good or not...nonetheless keep up the good work! Wish you all the best! |
本来是在bbs上看乱七八糟的东西,结果误打误撞因为标题进来了这个帖子。首先不是很了解楼主的专业领域,所以对专业家教不懂。不过楼主的英语写作,额,还是有蛮大的提高空间才能去教人写作的,希望不要太过自信啊,以免误人子弟。 再在邪恶的好奇心的驱使下,证实了楼主99%不是目前enrolled在adelaide uni的phd学生,应该是master学生。所以标题上这样写是不对的。做科研的人嘛,还是要求实一点啊 |
唉,某些低端黑啊,我真为你的智商拙计啊,我告诉你怎么黑我吧,你建个小号,在后面回帖,说来试听了我的雅思口语课(记住啊,一定要是口语),觉得我讲的稀烂,完全是个骗子,然后你自己在家自己伪造个稀烂的上课录音,传到网盘上头,放出连接,给大家下载,这才是高端黑。 你现在天天低端黑我给我涨人气,我太感谢您了。 |
I am from Hubei as well. Currently my friend, another international engineering student whose first language isn't English is seeking for a tutor to teach him finite element analysis software ANSYS. Do you have experience in that? In addition, I am interested in your English teaching as well. How many students have you taught IELTS before? What is the score of them? |