都沉底了,,再把他頂上來還有幾樣東西沒賣. |
berrylovecoca 发表于 2012-5-19 02:31 還沒。歡迎來看。若同時買會有優惠。 |
冰箱和洗衣机卖掉了么 |
抱歉,書柜賣掉了. |
请问那个书柜还有吗?还有微波炉多少钱呢? |
xijiangyue 发表于 2012-5-15 17:35 可以。可是我不會拆。它是螺絲的。 |
kathy2012 发表于 2012-5-15 14:08 My fd said u can take the microwave if u buy both. Cuz the washing machine is already at a very low price. Hardly can u find a 2nd hand whirlpool front load washing machine this cheap. |
这个黑色桌子可以拆吗? |
washing mechine and fridge together , how much? |