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      [时尚潮流] Abdullah can not help praising the French brand

      nikelees2 发表于 26-4-2012 14:51:04 转发到朋友圈 删帖
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      Abdullah, a new owner, can not help praising the French herve leger brand, he said that “Emanuel Ungaro is a great brand, has a unique history. the existing management team is to play the effect of icing on the cake.”DeSpirt is in charge of the company affairs since 2003. Emanuel Ungaro focuses on core business through the restructuring and vigorously promotes the brand licensing. The Ferragamo‘s family descendant, Leonardo Ferragamo, will continue to provide support for the Emanuel Ungaro brand licensing. It is not only strategic, but also involved in the actual operation. We will continue to operate the authorized accessories and fragrance products. Emanuelungaro Clothing often makes our eyes refreshing. The bright colors are so beautiful and moving. Tender gesture against the backdrop of the supermodel, everyone was attracted by the Emanuelungaro lively herve leger style.

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