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      hy4635 发表于 24-2-2012 20:37:46


      本人2011年11月ADELAIDE雅思考试成绩:L7 R7 W7.5 S6.5 (其中口语最好成绩7.5, 写作最好成绩8.0) 可以帮助准备考雅思的朋友复习准备.
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      Name : Mary

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       楼主| hy4635 发表于 18-3-2012 09:26:36
      Hi, hello. By that mean it is one to one basis of preparation for ielts. We could make an appointment and do two-hour session for writing or speaking. It is up to your choice and I will communicate with you before our lesson.
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       楼主| hy4635 发表于 18-3-2012 09:27:30
      回复 ljy0316 的帖子

      hi, hello.
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       楼主| hy4635 发表于 26-3-2012 10:52:24
      回复 hy4635 的帖子

      hi, dear, I charge $50 for two hours. But most of time, I spend two and 15minutes or 20 minutes with students because I want to make sure people can understand the contents thoroughly. (15-20 minutes for free) I also give students notes during class and find many writing questions before we meet with each other. So in this case, you can do some practices beforehand and bring them to the class. I also help students make corrections for writing practices if you send your writing to my email address. I think it is very good value for $50 per lesson(2 hours session).
      Think about it.
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       楼主| hy4635 发表于 26-3-2012 10:56:43
      回复 kittysnown 的帖子

      HI, Dear, I know what you mean. But my strength is writing, which I got 8.0 last year. So I would like to help others improve their writing skills. If you are interest in it, please send email to me. I will let you know my phone number. I charge $50 for two hous session. But I will give you notes and many writing practice questions beforehand.
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       楼主| hy4635 发表于 26-3-2012 10:57:19
      回复 xiaochouyuok 的帖子

      Hi, dear, good luck.
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       楼主| hy4635 发表于 26-3-2012 10:58:57
      回复 kittysnown 的帖子

      Hi, dear, I feel sad to be honest, but I would say writing is my strength. So I would like to offer help to others who urgently need.
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