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    [精华分享] ❤ 租房经验交流

    duhaii 发表于 20-10-2008 22:53:23 转发到朋友圈 删帖
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    [ 本帖最后由 duhaii 于 2008-10-22 19:02 编辑 ]

    BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

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    ktging 发表于 20-10-2008 23:01:51
    Hello ,

    I hereby attached the pictures of my lovely three bedroom flat but am renting out just two because am currently occupying one. It is a well furnished suitable flat. My flat is located at the Fully furnished Apartments are superbly located in the cultural heart of Adelaide s central business district. A short stroll along the world-class boulevard, North Terrace, takes you to the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia . Public transport is also right at your doorstep..

    Address: 23 King William Street,Adelaide SA 5000
    Rent: $125Per Week ($500.00 Per Month) Bond: $300.00 (The Bond is refundable on your move out}
    Utilities include: Electricity, gas, cable, phone.
    Available: NOW
    Maximum stay: 1 year
    Minimum stay:2 weeks
    Flat mate Description:
    Personal info: SANNE ANDREN, 32 yrs. old, Female, Straight, Professional.
    Household info: Non Smoker, There are no pet(s)
    Preferred flat mate description:
    Age: from 18 to 60 yrs. old
    Gender: Doesn't matter
    Smoker: Doesn't matter
    Orientation: Doesn't matter
    Pet: Doesn't matter
    Room and apartment description:

    These apartments feature high speed internet, 24 hour security surveillance, student recreational rooms, tutorial rooms and high quality furniture and fittings. Kitchen includes refrigerator, microwave oven, range hood and 2 burner cook top. High quality furniture package includes single bed, TV, 2 seat sofa, dining table and chairs, and desk and study chair in each bedroom. A fully fitted laundry is also on site.
    There is also a live in Residential Supervisor to manage the facility and assist with students' needs with free parking space.
    Access to Health Club at no cost superbly located in the heart of the interesting and vibrant area of cultural heart of Adelaide s central business district., yet with easy and convenient access into the City Center. is a recently developed area around large water basins and walkways with lots of entertainment and places to eat and drink. Let me know if is suitable with you if so you should be able to get back to me.

      I'm looking to rent out to nice and cool person really understand your plight and I want you to know that the apartment is fully available. It s your place and you can receive visits as much as it wouldn t inconvenient you.

      I would be expecting to read from you about your own interest.

    Best Regards

    Sanne Cares


    Thanks for your prompt response . I hope you are in good condition of health. I would like you to reserve the spare room, so that you can have a place reserved for yourself before my arrival and your arrival also because am presently I am in the UK, {London to be precise}, I am here to visit my husband because we just got married some weeks back. This is the reason I want to rent my apartment out but just one room because I would still come down to Australia to continue my job.  

    But since i do not have anybody to entrust my keys with i decided to take couples of pictures of my apartment and made the deposit of it at the DHL so that any body who really understand me can make the payment and the reference number of the keys i deposited before embarking on my trip will be given after making the payment and he/she can move in before my arrival.

    If you are presently in Adelaide, i wiil like you to go and view the apartment from outside my apartment , therefore, after viewing from outside therefore and you really loveit ,i will like you to make reservation for your self  by providing me the following details of yours so that i can forward to my lawyer over  and then prepare the Tenancy Agreement Form in your name the processes are not much, you only need to sign a document {which we can both do online}.
    Full Name:
    Present Address
    Moving in Date:
    Phone Number:
    A scanned copy of your passport or Drivers Licence(if any).

    I would be expecting to read from you as soon as possible.

    Till then, take a very good care of yourself.

    Best Regards,

    Sanne Cares

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    麦麦@T_T 发表于 21-10-2008 00:05:29
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    肉丝儿 发表于 21-10-2008 00:09:48


    Q1: 上边的事情我原舍友也经历过,不过实在PERTH,其他都一样的。我们本来还很开心,这个房子好漂亮啊,这么大房子就一个人住,只收一间房价钱。谁知到他们开始就要汇钱,连个面都没见。所以我还是让我的舍友小心为妙、嗨,江湖险恶啊。各位xdjm还是要三思而后行啊。有什么事大家都发个帖子讨论讨论。
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    妖怪 发表于 21-10-2008 00:12:01
    其实很多情况下 房客的行为也很差劲,对于房东来说,他们当然不希望房客搬走再找人租进来。
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    shizhixuan2015 发表于 21-10-2008 00:39:13
    我来响应号召 说一个吧
    希腊女房东 sofia (她的房子都在mile end 同学们小心了)
    主要是克扣bond 她的bond极高要600刀 刚搬进去的时候一般没有那么高 等你住一段时间之后 就提出涨bond 当你同意 给过之后 第二天就让你帮走 并且找理由房子弄脏 之类的 我们之前的房客都被她 扣过 而且是全部扣光 我们还算幸运 因为态度比较强硬 去投诉了 所以拿回来了一部分
    现在老太太学精了 觉得男生不好欺负 我们之后的房客都是女生 而且他在阿大的校园网上还有广告的 特别注明欢迎留学生
    以前还不明白 现在知道了 留学生好欺负啊
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    hq890726 发表于 21-10-2008 08:24:03
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    倒霉的幸运儿 发表于 21-10-2008 12:11:09
    来这3年多,还真没遇到坏房东。:face2: 现在自己做了2房东,自我认为还是可以的。都是留学生,大家都不容易,都是中国人,为什么要自己人害自己人?人还是要以诚相待,心交心。住在一起就是缘分,大家要好好相处!:encourage:
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    hi-rui 发表于 21-10-2008 12:39:02

    英文的,, 看不懂:cry1:
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    finaljyj 发表于 21-10-2008 19:26:07


    我自己来阿德莱德也有半年多了,遇到过好得(一个东北阿姨,怪不得都说东北人都是活雷锋呢),也遇到过烂的不能再烂的(一个住在Kurralta park,叫彭杨的中国老女人,中国留学生要当心了),克扣bond金不算还诬蔑我们偷她家吃饭用的碟子,最后还把我们赶出来不算还扣我们4个月他家的电话费,现在索性自己做二房东。



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