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  • 睡眠日还看中国!“中国睡”惊艳了世界…(高清组图)

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    发布时间: 21-3-2017 12:36


    2016年11月26日,浙江嘉兴街头一名老人正在电瓶车上睡觉。  var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = "http://ads.admaru.com/js/W ...


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    回复 jian11 发表于 21-3-2017 13:31:33
    A good sleep is a better medicine.
    That's why.

    回复 jian11 发表于 21-3-2017 13:19:32
    This post also reminded me of today's report concerning shocking poor working conditions in Sydney Airport, which carried in today's News.com.au net., among which incidents, an airplane nearly took off with the cargo compartment door left wide open due to its employees' mistakes, who didn't  have a good rest and afforded to go to home during the shifts.

    Check the details in the News.com, maybe the story is still there.
    回复 jian11 发表于 21-3-2017 13:11:25
    Studies shows that people in Asia suffer more from sleep deprivation than people in the west.  About half of all full-time workers in Asian cities say they don't get enough sleep, and that the problem is getting worse every year.  

    But lack of sleep is doing more harm than just making people grumpy and unhealthy---it kills creativity and lowers work output.

    The industriousness and competitiveness ingrained in many Asian cultures are culprits for the sleeplessness in prosperous Asian cities.  The most alarming thing is that most governments seem to be unaware of the issue.

    Productivity losses at work occur through a combination of absenteeism, employees not at work, and presenteeism,  where employees are at work when they are ill and consequently work to a lower standard.

    Consistently burning the midnight oil can trigger a downwardspiral in mental health and business performance.

    Creativity needs a rested mind if it is to flourish.

    Do you agree?
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