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  • 蒂勒森“压轴大戏” 最后一刻被习近平“一票否决”(图)

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    发布时间: 21-3-2017 07:51


    周日,美国国务卿雷克斯.W.蒂勒森(左)和中国国家主席习近平在北京人民大会堂。 作为政坛“新人”的美国国务卿蒂勒森,已结束对中日韩三国的闪电访问。北京是其此次亚洲行的最后一站,然而,原定的“ ...


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    回复 jian11 发表于 21-3-2017 20:31:13
    Tillerson expressed weeks ago that the US should block china's access to Scarborogh Shoal and stop china's military buildup on the spratly islands, etc.

    I don't think that Xi is so forgetful and pays no attention to his suggestions. That's why, I think.

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    回复 露西5063 发表于 21-3-2017 16:25:36
    回复 jian11 发表于 21-3-2017 13:42:20
    Xi is like a double-edged sword, he is now absolutely able and capable to lead china to two totally different paths:
    A democratic China and A totalitarian China.

    His role and position are similar with the then president of ROC Chiang Ching-Kuo, who sacrificed partisan interests and opened a new era for a prosperous Taiwan.

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    回复 jian11 发表于 21-3-2017 08:25:05
    I agree with Xi's decision.
    Xi is a determined and strong person with a far-sighted strategic mindset.  

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