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  • 蒂勒森访华铺路习特会 王毅表态有保留(图)

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    发布时间: 19-3-2017 13:04


    美国国务卿蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson )3月18日抵达北京,开始首次访华之行。当天,他与中国外长王毅举行会谈并共同会见记者。王毅在记者会上表示,就近期安排以及下一步两国元首会晤一事,进行了深入讨论,启动了相 ...


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    回复 jian11 发表于 19-3-2017 15:33:22
    Wang is under great pressure!
    He wants to "pave the way" for Xi-Trump Summit, for which the current situation and circumstances don't allow.
    He wants to make his boss Xi happy, but it is so a difficult task and job at the moment.

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    回复 jian11 发表于 19-3-2017 15:11:18
    Judging from the released photos about Wang-Tillerson meeting and Wang's body language, Wang is especially "nice" and "courteous" to Tillerson, which can be understandable.

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    回复 jian11 发表于 19-3-2017 15:04:18
    It's not the right time for XT summit.
    1. According to the US and Taiwan media houses, the Trump administration is planning an armsales to Taiwan probably just after the time of XT summit.
    2. Rex Tillerson already declared that the Strategic Patience has come to an end and Trump administration is just deploying Thaad in S.Korea.
    3. China is ready to toe the redline in Scarborough shoal by stepping up its military infrastructure buildup and the coming asean rotating country the phillipines is concerned about the SCS overlapped claims.
    4. N.Korea is ready to conduct its new round of nuclear test according to satellite information.
    Under above-mentioned circumstances and scenario, what subjects and topics can Xi and Trump talk about?

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