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  • 台军穿军服走秀遭痛批 网友:我到底看到了什么(组图)

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    发布时间: 17-3-2017 08:01


    台军走秀与天线宝宝撞,网友酸:我到底看到了什么! 3月16日电 据台湾联合新闻网报道,台陆军第六军团10日上午邀请高中生在杨梅高山顶营区体验T91步枪实弹射击,台军精心挑选26名官兵代表穿着各属性部 ...


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    回复 jian11 发表于 17-3-2017 10:54:24
    According to the reports of Free Beacon and Taipei Times, Trump Administration will plan an arm sales to Taiwan just after T-X Mar-a-lago summit next month.
    回复 jian11 发表于 17-3-2017 09:09:09
    Speaking of Taiwan Army, this reminds me a recent report about it.

    Taiwan said for the first time publicly that it is capable of launching missiles at china, as the government on Thursday Mar.16 unveiled a major defense report warning of increased risk of chinese invasion.

    Delivering the four-yearly report to parliament, Defense Minister Feng Shih-kuan replied "yes" when asked by a law maker whether Taiwan was capable of firing at mainland china.

    "It is the first time the ministry has confirmed this," said one lawmaker, and twnese missiles may be able to travel more that 1,500 km.

    The ministry has said in the past that it has produced cruise missiles, but has never publicly stated their capabilities.

    The report also  pledged to creat an enhanced military front that would protect Taiwan.

    China has more than 1,500 missiles aimed at Taiwan, according to the Defense Ministry.

    The Island's military, which consists of around 200,000 troops, is a fraction of china' s 2.3 million-strong army.

    Defense Minister Feng said he hoped to raise spending to 3 per cent of GDP in 2018, up from two per cent this year and the highest proportion of TW's budget dedicated to the military for 10 years.

    What do you think?

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