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cheesekun 24-5-2017 22:05
I would like to apply for this position. I am an Australia citizen since 1998; I have completed Bachelor of Networking (Information and Communications Technology), Master of professional accounting, and Master of finance, recent graduate. I speak native English and fluent Mandarin; I am reliable and accountable. During the course of my role as an office assistant/receptionist at the Salvation Army, demonstrated excellent communication skills. Here, I was the first point of contact for the organization and excellent communication was essential to the role. I also undertook, filing, data entry and photocopying duties, and assisted with communication through letters, emails and faxes to people both inside and outside of the organization in a professional manner.
AA澳洲留学 15-5-2017 16:33
A&A教育集团公司始创于1999年,中国三大留学教育中介之一,拥有澳洲八大及其他大学的官方一级代理。A&A 澳洲分公司在悉尼,墨尔本及阿德莱德设有办公室,拥有多名资深顾问及移民律师。员工全部拥有澳洲留学背景并 在相关行业有多年工作经验。公司旨在为澳大利亚留学生朋友提供留学,生活,工作,交友一站式服务。服务内 容主要包括免费办理升学,转学,转专业,专业移民团队提供移民咨询,组织各种学生活动丰富留学生生活,并通 过公司的众多合作伙伴为留学生提供就业和实习的机会。我们的资深留学顾问能够帮助学生制定最佳的入学通道, 最得体的学习方案。专业的移民团队以最快的速度、最少的费用、最高的成功率帮助客户办理移民申请。公司专 业的后续服务团队还为新学生及新移民提供落地安置服务。

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