本帖最后由 kathy1749 于 28-2-2016 07:29 PM 编辑
所有書本均是自己從UNISA 書店買的新書全新用了一學期而已,有的甚至沒怎麼翻開過...
同學們可以絕對放心不是轉手再轉手的三手四手書, 全部價格可議, 只求給書架騰點位置吧...拜託,謝謝!!
有興趣的同學們請聯絡 Kathy mobile no.0411313928 沒接到請發短訊會儘快回覆的!
1. Stone. R J 2013,Managing Human Resources, 4th edition, Wiley Australia $80
(99% new)
2. Hubbard, Garnett,Lewis & O’Brien 2015, Macroeconomics, 3rd edition, PearsonAustralia $80
Harris J, HargovanA, Adams M 2013, Australian Corporate Law, 4th edition, LexisNexis Butterworths $90
(with important exam tips/notes)
Horngren, Datar,Rajan, Wynder, Maguire & Tan 2015, Management Accounting,Pearson $50
5. Mo J 2013,International Commercial Law, 5th edition, Lexis Nexis Butterworths $30
(90% new with limited tips/notes)
6. Petty. J W, et al.2012, Financial management: principles and applications, 6thedition, Pearson Australia $60
7. Hoggett J, et al.2012, Accounting, 8th edition, Wiley Australia $55
- 8th edition 跟9th edition 真心內容完全一樣,因為9th edition本人後來也不知道是一樣就買全新了,結果 .....不介意的同學快來看吧
CroucherS. J 2013, Introductory mathematics & statistics, 6th edition,McGraw-Hill Australia $20 (價格可議)
(99% new) 我只是來碰碰運氣.......求好心人帶走吧....再賣不掉拿去墊桌