J150 Rehearsal Room
故事简介: 中国人说「民以食为天」,可见食在中国人心目中是多么重要。有说食是一种享受,美食当前任何人都忍不了口,这种「口欲」的满足感到底带来多少的资源浪费?当在贫穷的第三世界国家的小孩每天只可以吃草根树皮,饮不洁的河水,我们应该如何思考「食」的意义?与此同时,生产商提供的食物,含有多少营养成分和化学剂?生产的方法是否合乎伦理道德?屠宰一只牛所产生的污染有多大?到底,怎样才叫食得好呢? 节目全长一小时,将不设观众席。观众能游走于剧场每一个角落,选择最适合的视点。若您想一尝剧场新体验,并跟我们一起探讨「食」的意义,请不要犹豫,我们诚意邀请您一同参与这场「盛宴」。 Combininginstallation, live video, multi-media theatre & interactions with theaudience, Cinematic Theatre's 'The Feast' is to reflect on the meaning ofeating. According to a Chinese saying, "Food is the paramount concern ofthe people." But when food enjoyment versus starving, food safety versusconvenient food, wholesome food versus non-nutritious food, does we know whatnutritious value of the food we're eating? "The Feast" reveals thereal situation of the world about the issue of "food" by placing themin the context of globalization. Atragicomedy with hilarious characters and moving stories, "The Feast"was highly praised and appreciated by the Hong Kong audience when premiered inSep 2015. There is no audience seatingfor this performance. Audiences could watch and engage into the performancewith the best view by moving around in the theatre. If you are looking for anew theatre experience, "The Feast" will inspire you and give you notthe same feeling than the tradition one.
关于我们: 【影话戏】是以话剧为经、影像为纬的「多媒体影像剧场」,探讨在以表演艺术为主的戏剧叙事形式和各媒体的创新关系,建立一种独特的艺术风格。在内容上,剧团以制作原创剧为主,关怀当下,哲思辩证,发挥戏剧的人文精神。多年来,剧团不断参与海外交流计划及演出,足迹遍及苏格兰、上海、台湾、菲律宾、新加坡、广州及澳门等地。
About Us: Cinematic Theatre is a ‘MultimediaTheatre’ which integrates videography and theatre language, and mainly focuseson original plays which explore the horizons and soul of modern people.Cinematic Theatre has been doing overseas cultural exchange performances since2003. Productions are toured in Scotland,Adelaide, Shanghai, Taipei, Singapore, The Philippines, Guangzhou and Macau.
地点:The Odeon Theatre (LJ150 Rehearsal Studio), Cnr Queen St and The Parade, Norwood SA 5067
詳情: Twitter: @Cinematicthe