板凳了。。。鄙视下那间车厂。。。作者: chengshi_ye 时间: 13-11-2011 21:19
楼主辛苦了,作为只会开,不懂修的我我从中学到的就是出问题,多找几家修车的问问看,做个比较再决定,其他的俺就看不懂了,哈哈,门外汉呐作者: hzf8181856 时间: 13-11-2011 21:21
拿人命来玩,这些人真是人渣,求曝光,求短消息我~~~~作者: szdma 时间: 13-11-2011 21:21
对不懂车的极其有用!顶!!!作者: gz8088 时间: 13-11-2011 21:29
On the MityVac website it says that RWD and FWD cars bleed in different orders.
for FWD its;
To bleed the brakes 100%, you'll need a vacuum hand pump. Also all nipple threads will need to be removed and have teflon tape added to it when using a vacuum type bleed method.
Traditional 2 man pedal bleed wont give you that new car firm pedal feel.
Its easy to do it right, but also easy to do it wrong.作者: gz8088 时间: 13-11-2011 21:30
放油是有顺序的 为的是保护ABS和把油放干净作者: gz8088 时间: 13-11-2011 21:32
When bleeding, best way to put it is you start with the caliper furthest from the MC and work round finishing with the closest one
基本上可以根据这个依据来决定放油顺序作者: kennyyan 时间: 13-11-2011 21:44
大家碰到车上的一些问题多问问朋友,也在网上多查查相关视频和资料,别吃这种亏!作者: gz8088 时间: 13-11-2011 21:53
申明这间车场并没在BSS上打广告,BZ千万别惊慌. 别删我帖子,我实在太气氛了才爆了他们作者: ADELAIDE007 时间: 13-11-2011 21:57
刹车不管用了可是大事,让人这样的车上路和谋杀没大区别.作者: Ada 时间: 13-11-2011 22:03