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      cecil 发表于 8-12-2009 15:43:07 转发到朋友圈 删帖
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      我有国内驾照 来之前没多久拿到的。
      请问可以直接翻译了就用吗? 我是学生。。。

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      LunaQiao 发表于 8-12-2009 15:57:40
      可以 但是好像就几个月 我也是国内驾照翻译的 只是之前在墨尔本考了个L,现在database里的纪录是L,不能单独上路,555555555555555555555555
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      aaron2god 发表于 8-12-2009 16:23:31
      很多都是翻译直接用 这个只要你是留学生身份都可以用的
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      阿德首家车行 发表于 8-12-2009 18:58:04
      everyone tells different story.

      by law you can use translated license for three months while you are on student visa.

      my friend got fined for 300 dollars for driving with overseas license for over a year since he has been here.
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      渺沙-月狼 发表于 8-12-2009 22:34:38
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      happy_joe 发表于 9-12-2009 00:13:16
      4# yansucceed

      Was that your friend licence expired?


      Driving with an overseas licence
      If you are visiting from overseas, or you've recently moved here permanently, make sure that you are driving legally.

      New permanent residents or citizens must apply for a licence and register your vehicle in South Australia within three months of arrival.

      If you are not a permanent resident and you hold a current foreign driver's licence you may drive a vehicle of the same class in South Australia.

      If you are working on a current temporary visa and your foreign licence expires, you must apply for a new licence in South Australia.

      To drive using your foreign licence you must also hold a current international driving permit unless your foreign licence is written in English or accompanied by an approved English translation.

      You must not be disqualified from driving in any country.

      You must carry your licence (and English translation or international driving permit) at all times while driving, and produce it to police on request. You may also be required to produce your temporary visa as evidence of temporary residential status.

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       楼主| cecil 发表于 11-12-2009 13:59:24
      If you are not a permanent resident and you hold a current foreign driver's licence you may drive a vehicle of the same class in South Australia.

      我是学生 这句是不是就是说 我可以直接用我的驾照啊?
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      阿德首家车行 发表于 12-12-2009 19:28:14
      6# happy_joe

      i have spoken to people in transport SA regarding my friend's fine. the guy in transports SA said if he has been in australia more than 12 months, then he has to get australia license....

      anyway i think everyone tells different story.  when you got caught, have to see how lucky you are. if you have luck, you won't get a fine, or too bad...
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      mattxia 发表于 12-12-2009 20:33:39

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      渺沙-月狼 发表于 12-12-2009 22:39:18
      我想说。。其实是这样的, 这里的政府部分的, 特别是移民局,教育部,service sa,警察等。。。(经验之谈经验之谈。。不见得每个都是这样啊) 都是比伍佰差半截。。。自己部门管的规矩, 自己都不知道, 非要我给他们看他们网站主页上的东西(的打印件。。。)他们就, 哦。。。那可以, 那可以。。。
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