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Leader 发表于 27-8-2012 21:12:55
本帖最后由 Leader 于 2012-9-14 21:22 编辑
最新消息----移民部官方正式公布EOI首次邀请报告 JUSTIN JIANG原创,转载请注明出处。 报告主要内容如下:
3。目前这100位当中录取的最低分数为75分,验证了分数从高到低排列的政策。如果分数一样的申请者,则依据VISA STATUS DATE,也即EOI内部状态确定时间为准,谁的EIC体现的日期更早,谁将优先获得邀请。
SkillSelect EOIs Submitted by Subclass Summary
Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Total
S/c 189 - Skilled Independent 2 176
S/c 190 - State and Territory Nominated 2 134
S/c 489 - State/Territory or Family Nominated 1 167
S/c 132 - Business Talent 7
S/c 188 - Business Innovation and Investment 74
S/c 186 - Employer Nomination Scheme 1356
S/c 187 - Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme 605
S/c 457 - Business Long Stay 516
3。今后是否会有一些细微的EOI政策调整呢? 或许还是静静的等待吧
SkillSelect Invitations to apply to migrate - Round 1 August 2012 Results
On 1 August 2012 the first automated round of invitations to apply to migrate under the skilled independent and skilled family sponsored visas was completed under SkillSelect.
As SkillSelect is a new system, the first run of invitations was reduced in size, to allow us to ensure that all elements of the SkillSelect and electronic lodgement system are working smoothly. While this first round of invitations was small, we expect to be increasing the number of invitations issued in future invitation rounds, so that Australia can benefit from the high quality client submitting Expressions of Interest through SkillSelect. It is anticipated that the next run of invitations will occur on 1 September 2012.
Automated rounds of invitations to apply to migrate result in invitations for the following visas:
•Skilled Independent (subclass 189) visa; and
•Skilled – Nominated or Sponsored (Provisional) (subclass 489) visa (Family Sponsored)
This process does not include nominations by state and territory governments, which also result in invitations being issued. State and territory governments have been nominating clients since 1 July 2012 and data on outcomes is provided below.
1 August results
The number of invitations to apply to migrate issued under the August 2012 round was 100 places. This is a significantly lower number than the numbers that will be invited for future rounds. The table below shows the allocation of places by the subclass of visa:
Visa subclass Invitations for 1 August
Skilled - Independent (Subclass 189) (Permanent) 90
Skilled - Regional (Subclass 489) (Provisional) - Family Sponsored 10
Total 100
The following table shows points claimed by the clients who were successfully invited to apply in this round.
Visa subclass Points Score Invitations
Skilled - Independent (Subclass 189) (Permanent) 85 5
Skilled - Independent (Subclass 189) (Permanent) 80 32
1Skilled - Independent (Subclass 189) (Permanent) 75 53
Skilled - Regional (Subclass 489) (Provisional) - Family Sponsored 80 3
Skilled - Regional (Subclass 489) (Provisional) - Family Sponsored 75 7
Invitation process and cut offs
In each round of invitations to apply to migrate, the highest point scorers for each subclass are invited to apply for the relevant visa. For clients who have the same level of points, the time at which they reached their current points score in that subclass (referred to as the visa status date) determines the order of invitation. EOIs with earlier visa status dates are invited before later status dates.
In this round, the lowest points score invited, and the latest visa status date invited were:
Visa Subclass Points Score Visa Status date
Skilled - Independent (Subclass 189) (Permanent) 75 18/07/2012 11:40AM
Skilled - Regional (Subclass 489) (Provisional) - Family Sponsored 75 11/07/2012 13:52PM
If you wish to compare your EOI against the outcomes of the invitation round, you can check your points score and visa status date at any time for all visa subclasses covered by your EOI.
Occupational Ceilings
Invitations to apply to migrate are subject to yearly occupational ceilings or upper limits. In the August round, no occupation reached its ceiling.
The numbers of invitations to apply to migrate in each occupational grouping July are available at the following link:
See: SkillSelect Activity Summary July 2012 (28KB PDF file)
Nominations by State and Territory Governments – July 2012
The number of applicants to migrate who received nominations from State and Territory Governments during July 2012 is shown in the following table:
Visa subclass ACT NSW NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA Total
Skilled - Nominated (subclass 190) visa 12 25 1 0 20 0 25 18 101
Skilled - Nominated or Sponsored (Provisional) (subclass 489) visa 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 6
Business Talent (Permanent) (subclass 132) visa 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 1 8
Total 12 25 1 0 26 1 30 20 115
Last updated: 27 Aug 2012 |
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