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    [房产投资] 贷款常见问题解答(二)

    garlyl 发表于 25-11-2009 18:23:51 转发到朋友圈 删帖
    3541 0


    1.Q: I am going to purchase my first home and I am eligible for the First Home Owners Grant. Can I also get a first home buyers interest rate discount?
    A: Banks and lenders do not give a discount on the interest rate for First Home Buyers as the FHOG is a government grant, not a bank grant. Instead, what they have available are Introductory or Honeymoon rates which offer a low interest rate for a certain period, usually for the first year. The introductory rate may be variable or fixed and may be as much as one percent below the standard home loan rate.
    Be wary of introductory rates as you usually have to go to the standard variable rate home loan after this initial discounted rate.

    2.Q: How does an off-set account work?
    2.问:抵消 帐户是怎么回事?
    An Offset Account is a savings account tied to your loan account that enables you to use your saving account balance to reduce the amount owed towards your loan. Offset accounts reduce the compound interest that drastically increases the size of loan payments, and it is through reducing the principal through the offset account that significant savings can be afforded. For example, say you had a $100,000 loan and had $10,000 in an offset account, the money in the offset account works like it’s sitting in the home loan account so the interest on the home loan account is being calculated on only $90,000 instead of $100,000. Whilst you’re not using the money in the offset account, it will help to really reduce the amount of interest that will be charged.


    3.Q: How can I buy another property on my single income and less than $10,000 savings?
    A: The first thing you need to find out is how much you can borrow from the banks based on your current income and expenses. You can include the potential rental income that you will get for the investment property that you wish to purchase. Eg if your income per year is $40,000 and you expect to get rent of $300 per week, then the gross income that will be used is $52,480. Only 80% of rental income is used as your investment property may not always be tenanted for the full year and the Property Manager’s fees are also factored in.
    Once you know how much you can borrow, start looking for properties in that price range. Calculate what the minimum deposit you will need will be (usually minimum 5%) and add another 5% to cover the related purchase costs. If this all adds up to more than what you have in savings, consider finding out what equity you have in your current property and using that equity to make up the difference.

    4.Q: What is the difference between a mortgage broker and a bank lender?
    Mortage brokers can save you time and money. The choices now available in the Mortgage market can seem limitless and completely overwhelming. You can choose to research the subject, the Lenders and their products yourself, or work with a Mortgage Broker who already has that knowledge.
    The best deal is not necessarily the cheapest rate. A good Mortgage Broker will examine your circumstances and future plans to recommend a loan that is right for you. Having an appropriate loan which works for you can help you build wealth.
    Most Mortgage Brokers don't charge a fee for their service as the Lenders pay them a commission for the loans they write. Most Lenders offer the same rate via the Mortgage Broker as they would directly, and a Broker could save you money in other ways.

    5.Q: What penalties will the bank charge me for paying out my loan after only one year?
    A: There are quite a few fees that will be applicable and these fees will vary according to who your loan is with. The best way to find out what the fees are and how much they are is to review the home loan contract that your bank gave to you when you first took out the loan.
    Here are a few examples of some of the fees:
    Discharge fee - Lenders charge a fee for handling all the paperwork when the loan is paid out.
    Settlement Fee - is payable when the Bank (or its representative) attends a settlement for the security property.
    Deferred establishment Fee – payable when the loan account is paid out within the first 3 to 4 years.
    These exit fees usually total up to over $1,000, so check with your lender to find out which fees are applicable to you.
    Discharge fee指当贷款全部付清,贷款机构所收取的手续费。
    Settlement Fee –指当银行参与了房屋过户保全事宜时收取的费用。
    Deferred establishment Fee –当贷款帐户在最初3-4年内付清,所需要支付的费用。



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