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    [南区] Share house near Flinders Uni

    feinazhang 发表于 6-11-2023 14:03:50 转发到朋友圈 删帖
    1874 0


    Hi All
    We have one nice house near Marion shopping center with 5 minutes walking distance for sharing rooms.
    At this stage, one male living in main room with his cat. In few months time his girlfriend will move in.

    We would like to rent out second room for sigle student. Flinders university just near by with few minutes distance by bus.

    $220 included all bills and available to move in anytime from now once sign contract.

    Thanks a lot.

    Fay 0430623415
    Address: 17 Greenasche Grove, Seacombe Gardens, SA 5047

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