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  • Lightsview 高科技至尊享受高端豪宅

    浏览人气 : 2867
    9 Kingston Parade, Lightsview SA 5085 Property Number : 1448853 价格 : 联系中介 4 3 2

    Alex Goodwin

    联系方式 :
    0412 265 932 (中文) 0414 577 479


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    Lightsview 高科技至尊享受高端豪宅




    9 Kingston Parade, Lightsview SA 5085

    4卧   3卫生间    4车位  建筑面积 429m2
    开放时间  2023年1月28日  11am-11:30am

    您知道吗?Kingston在古英语中的意思是国王的城堡。在Kingston Parade, 您可以看到9号,就像一个国王或王后的城堡。

    我们的叙述从哪里开始呢?让我们从它的历史开始吧。这座建筑由久负盛名的Precision Homes建造,这个杰作很快就获得了2012年HIA南澳展示房第一名。





    您可以邀约家人和朋友来做客,会非常享受在户外使用您新的Tucker Horizon Marine Grade BBQ,同时享受孩子们在嵌入式游泳池中戏水的欢声笑语。而成年人呢,可以偷闲到楼下的酒窖,品尝最受欢迎的巴罗莎山谷西拉子红酒。您不必担心,若孩子们玩累了,您可以将他们请到家庭影院,欣赏由Krix 音响系统、Epson 1080P投影仪、Marantz功放和蓝光播放器展示的完美音效。


    但是请不要对这座建筑的宏大规模望而却步。 整个住宅都由C-Bus 2 自动系统所控制,包括多房间音频矩阵交换器(8个区),通过墙内电缆联通整个房屋,使用Krix音箱,灯光和电动窗帘由Clipsal C-Bus C-Touch 触摸式彩色屏幕来控制。

    关于安全系统,您将得到商业级别的Ubiquiti UAP-AC Pro 系统的保护,连接每个楼层。同时户外有UAP-AC-M 系统。整个建筑都安装了Ubiquiti G3 Bullet 监视器。



    • 11.4Kwp太阳能系统,带Solis 10K 逆变器
    • 车库地面为Nulook 环氧树脂材料,并带有防滑装饰片
    • Aiphone对讲系统
    • 家庭影院墙壁上有游泳池形成的窗户,两个空间可以相互观察
    • 前后院通过B-Hyve系统控制,可以自动浇灌
    • 太阳能泳池加热系统
    • 全屋管道吸尘系统
    • 厨房台面为Smartstone
    • 正对The Strand街道的公园绿地
    • 20分钟车程到阿德市区


    • 警报系统
    • 建筑面积: 429m2
    • 露台
    • 管道吸尘系统
    • 主人房卫生间:1
    • 全围栏
    • 煤气加热系统
    • 活动区域:5
    • 户外休闲区
    • 阳光房
    • 嵌入式游泳池
    • 宽带网络
    • 步入式衣帽间
    • 洗碗机
    • 节能评级:6.0
    • 水冷空调
    • 双车库
    • 车位:2
    • 对讲系统
    • 车库遥控门
    • 太阳能系统
    • 卫生间:3

    房产中介:Alex Goodwin
    联系电话:0414 577 479
    公司:Leipzig Real Estate - RLA 302048
    地址:38 Fullarton Road, NORWOOD, SA 5067

    Yiling Tang (中文)
    联系电话:0412 265 932
    邮箱: [email protected]
    Website: www.investingaustralia.com.au
    微信: yilingt44



    A Royal Offering at 9 Kingston Parade

    Did you know that "Kingston" is Old English for "King's Town"? And on Kingston Parade you will find number nine, a castle fit for a King or Queen!

    Where do we begin? Let's start with its history. Built in 2011 by the prestigious Precision Homes, this masterpiece of architecture quickly found itself the winner of the HIA South Australian Display Home of the Year for 2012! And how could it not?

    As you approach "the Cube", you will quickly feel inspired by its Ultra Modern design, curated by clean lines, confident shapes and minimal ornamentation. And as you walk in? You will no doubt be in awe by its sheer grandeur, as the house is separated into two spheres held together by glass and steel, creating the clever sense of connectedness to the outside world through the use of light and space.

    As you continue down the expansive corridor, you are met by an open-concept plan that welcomes you to the Kitchen, Living and Dining. In the Kitchen you will find fully integrated Miele "CleanSteel" appliances including Fridge, Dishwasher, Steamer, 900mm Commercial Oven and Induction Cooktop, Plate Warmers (3), Coffee Machine, and "Cabrio" Wall Décor Rangehood. In the Living, relax by the fire and watch your favourite movie on your new Samsung 85" QLED 4K "the Frame" TV, or perhaps open the bifold doors to allow your Dining to meet your Outdoor Entertaining as one space seamlessly transitions to the other?

    Call your family and friends! You will love cooking for them outside on your new Tucker Horizon Marine Grade BBQ while enjoying the sound of kids splashing and laughing as they play in your in-ground pool. And for the adults? Break away to the downstairs Cellar and Tasting Room where you can share your favourite Barossa shiraz. And don't worry, if the kids get tired of swimming you can always send them to your Home Theatre Room, complete with Krix Sound System, Epson 1080P Projector, Marantz AVR and Blu-Ray Player.

    Upstairs you will discover three spacious Bedrooms — the Master boasting a bespoke Walk-in-Robe and Ensuite — as well as a generous Family Room or Home Office.

    But don't let the scale and size of this property overwhelm you! The whole house is controlled via the C-Bus 2 Home Automation System, including Multi-Room Audio Matrix Switcher (8 Zones) wired throughout the entire home (using Krix Speakers), Lighting and Electric Blinds, all accessible through the Clipsal C-Bus C-Touch colour screen.

    And for the security-conscious, feel safe knowing that you are protected by commercial-grade Ubiquiti UAP-AC Pro access points to each level, as well as UAP-AC-M outdoor AP, and Ubiquiti G3 Bullet Cameras throughout.

    The endless advantages of this property make it a must see to believe! Vendor is seeking best offers by Friday 3rd of February (USP) with first inspection Saturday 28th of January.

    What we also love about this property —

    - 11.4 kWp Solar System with Solis 10k Inverter
    - Nulook Epoxy Flake Flooring to Garage
    - Aiphone Intercom
    - Pool Window to Theatre Room
    - Automatic Irrigation (front and rear) via B-Hyve
    - Solar Pool Heating
    - Ducted Vacuuming Throughout via Valet
    - Smartstone Benchtops to Kitchen
    - Opposite The Strand Reserve
    - 20 minutes to Adelaide CBD

    If you want to check more pictures, please click link below

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