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  • Parade Norwood 房间出租,$145/week 家具齐全,拎包入住

    查看数: 3778 | 评论数: 10 | 收藏 1
    关灯 | 提示:支持键盘翻页<-左 右->
    发布时间: 11-6-2014 11:55


    Parade, Norwood share house female only!  Three easygoing girls in their early 20's, one Aussie girl, one from Japan and one Chinese girl. Perfect for English learners. Water, gas, separated ...


    Rebecca2009 发表于 11-6-2014 18:13:31
    QQ: 784662584
    Rebecca2009 发表于 11-6-2014 18:08:23
    谢谢回复!我的联系电话 0450336820  
    吐嘶嘶 发表于 11-6-2014 15:42:53
    how to contact you
    yukiex33 发表于 11-6-2014 14:09:14
    interested to this house, sms 0415791886
    yukiex33 发表于 11-6-2014 13:52:59
    Im interested to this house, here's my phone number 0415791886
    yukiex33 发表于 11-6-2014 13:25:20
    我有興趣,這是我的聯繫號碼 0415791886
    yukiex33 发表于 11-6-2014 13:24:50
    我有興趣,這是我的聯繫號碼 0415791886
    youwei 发表于 11-6-2014 12:45:41

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