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      BBS网友  发表于 1-4-2015 02:57:24
      What you probably didn't realize was that the 14 ounces of green beans in that can weren't actually 14 ounces of green beans, but probably nine ounces of beans and five ounces of water, and that the FDA lets manufacturers lump those numbers together into one. Which is a plus   if you're in the market for green bean flavored water.
      Winter fun is beckoning, but keeping kids healthy, warm, and entertained can be trickier than putting snow boots on a squirrel. Little guys will head straight into a blizzard in their underwear if they can; big ones may need the Wiimote pried away. Here's how to make sure everyone gets out there and has a great time, safely.
      It provides opportunities to stargaze, or to hear and see nocturnal wildlife. It is also a great way to get away from crowds in high traffic areas or to escape the day's heat.There are two schools of thought with respect to using lights on night hikes. Some feel that properly and fully experiencing the outdoors at night requires using one's natural senses alone, while others view this approach as too unsafe or inconvenient.
      Has cheering for Team USA this Olympics season inspired you to go for gold in your own distance event? Here in New York City, we seeing more and more fitness fans and amateur athletes   including a few staffers from TIME own offices   hitting the pavement, training for big road races in the fall.
      In the sewing room, Jays' dress is looking like something that the creepy twins in Barbarella wore when they got back to the city dresses with the attached leashes at the waist. For that matter, so is Mila's. Seth's outfit is adorable. My daughter would love it. Heck, I may even copy it, but I'll find a cotton fabric. I refuse to dry clean kids clothes, and I am not fettered by time constraints in my search.
      But when a man's got nothing, he deserves respect."Lance Corporal AW Rakuraku treating a wounded Viet Cong soldier.Victor 3 platoon commander Bill Walker felt great empathy for one dead Viet Cong soldier early in his tour. "We had quite a large platoon ambush in which we killed a number of enemy.

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