今天主要为大家解析一下到底该如何注意PTE口语中最为关键的组成部分:pronunciation 和oral fluency.
Production of speech sounds in a way that is easily understandable to most regular speakers of the language. Regional or national varieties of English pronunciation are considered correct to the degree that they are easily understandable to most regular speakers of the language.
从以上官方说法中,我们不难看出,be easily understood是衡量发音标准的关键,词语发音的清晰程度,善于区分元音和辅音,对常见词汇结尾带s和ed的注意,还有最为重要的语音语调都是pronunciation中构成understandable的要素。
需要特别提醒的是,语音语调是从始至终存在的,除了像read aloud这样需要表达dramatic intonation的题型之外,在describe image和retell lecture同样也要对语音语调提高重视程度,通常在对比关系,转折连接词,topic sentence以及结尾处都应有相对应的重音重读,语音语调上扬或下降。
Oral Fluency Smooth,effortless and natural-paced delivery of speech.
根据官方说法分析,口语流利度方面不是要求大家一味的追求语速快,而是说话的节奏要适中,自然,平和。语速适中代表着不能过快或者过慢,并且一定要避免忽快忽慢的情况,特别是retell lecture和describe image的题型中,语速要始终保持前后一致,尽量在规定时间之内将说不完的信息自圆其说的完善,而不是一味追求信息量以至于先慢后快。同时在口语的每个题型中,都要注意标点符号的适当停顿和说话节奏的自然流畅。
流利自如的衔接句子和语意,除了靠我们在考试中的take notes,恰当的prediction也是十分需要的,当衔接句子和关键词构成一段完整的话的时候,如何流利自如的避免hesitation, inappropriate pause and repeat yourself?
My useful tips No.1: Say things you are familiar with and sentence structure you mostly repeated in daily life. No.2: Try to avoid “um, uh” and replaced by the longer sentences or phrases such as “as the speaker said, as we know from the lecture, the lecture mainly depicted that…etc”. No.3: Keep smooth rhythm No.4: Stress the parts that you thought it’s necessary and predict to convince potential audiences. No.5: Re-organize the whole sentence structure of the key points when you want to repeat ideas. No.6: Never ever repeat the single syllable of a word.
6月PTE 65分保过班仅剩2个班啦~~
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