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标题: 出售阿大/Bradford DT商科书籍 [打印本页]

作者: p68977123    时间: 27-7-2015 06:53
标题: 出售阿大/Bradford DT商科书籍
本帖最后由 p68977123 于 5-8-2015 10:17 PM 编辑

  Accounting for Decision Makers I     Accounting businessreporting for decision making 4th edition  $50 旧版书不影响使用

Intermediate Macroeconomics II/IID Macroeconomics 4th edition 很新 $80
International Financial Institutions and Markets I  Financial institution & markets  5th edition     $40 旧版不影响使用

Principles of Macroeconomics I    Macroeconomics 6th edition 旧版不影响使用 $40
[url=]Business Finance II     Business Finance 11th Edition 旧版不影响使用[/url][url=]$50[/url]

Introduction to Mathematical Economic (Advanced) I 中文书 英文书也有不过是复印版的 两个一起 $60 单独一个$45
[url=]Financial Accounting II[/url]  Understanding Australian Accounting Standards $70

Principles of Microeconomics I  Microeconomics 6th 6edition Unibooks 卖的是微观宏观合并的版本 $35
Business and Economic Statistics I   Business Statistics 2nd Edition $50
Intermediate Microeconomics A II/IID Combined  中级微观 书比较新 带练习册 $70
Business Valuation II  Damodaran on valuation 2nd edtion 书+练习册 $60
Corporate Investment & Strategy III  Corporate Finance 影印版 完全一样 也很清晰不影响使用 附带答案 $40

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