两个一样的大房+ 一小房. Bus 去 straight to North Terrace . Pls call them. 作者: lineenzyh 时间: 5-7-2015 22:50
close to tea tree plaza, walk to main street in 3 minutes, take 541/x , 4 stop to city ; or walk to obahn ttp stop in 6-7 minutes, 3 stops to city. express buses available, like m44,c1,c2,g40,541,.....
2 rooms are available
plz contact me by qq; 709303264 or mobile: 0403843798
cheers 作者: NANA 时间: 8-7-2015 16:38 http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/f ... &extra=page%3D1作者: pency1222 时间: 8-7-2015 16:40
unilodge 一间180 另外一间可与前台请联系,因为同住女生也要搬出去作者: catherinenight 时间: 8-7-2015 21:02 http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/f ... d=771249&extra=