上面第二, 三, 四本都是Commercial Law: Lipton, P, Herzberg, A & Welsh M, Understanding CompanyLaw, 15th edn, Law Book Co, Pyrmont, NSW. $45
Lipton, P, Herzberg, A & Welsh M, Understanding CompanyLaw, 16th edn, Law Book Co, Pyrmont, NSW. $55
Graw, S 2012, An Introduction to the Law of Contract, 7thedn, Law Book Co, Pyrmont, NSW $50 ,打包买可以议价
另有考试资料,可以带进考场直接用,还有每周Tutorial 的答案, 也可单买资料,是超级学霸总结的非常齐全 $30
下面第一:Management Accounting M: Horngren, C, Datar, S, Foster, G, Rajan, M, Ittner, C,Wynder, M, Maguire, W and Tan, R 2011, Cost accounting: a managerial emphasis,1st Australian edn (revised), Pearson Education Australia, Australia $70
下面第二: Advanced Accounting M: Leo, K, Hoggett, J & Sweeting, J 2012, CompanyAccounting, 9th edition, John Wiley, Sydney $60
ICAA, Financial Reporting Handbook, 2013, Wiley,Australia $60