1. Kim Jong Un is the sexiest man alive.
2. Masturbator found in a well is a precious mushroom.
3. This.
I have to salute to the people who still read propaganda news in China.作者: MicMic 时间: 8-8-2013 23:51
刁民们没素质,整天看那么多AV…… 作者: honeyman888 时间: 9-8-2013 11:37
The photos are from a porn movie titled "Lethal injection". Google "Lethal injection" and you can see the movie for yourself.
The movie is now famous. Think about it, free advertising from the Chinese government to 1.4x10^9 potential viewers. 作者: honeyman888 时间: 9-8-2013 17:41
给个连接, 我还是找不到作者: 观阴大师 时间: 9-8-2013 17:55 http://finance.qq.com/a/20130806/005268.htm