本帖最后由 bearandpig 于 2013-7-23 14:55 编辑 UNI BOOKS Financial Economics: Bodie, Z, Ariff, M, da Silva Rosa, R, Kane, A, Marcus, A 2007, Investment, McGraw-Hill. = $40 Service Marketing Lovelock + Patterson +Wirtz 2011, Service marketing : An Asia-Pacific and Australian Perspectice , 5 edn, Pearson. = $40 Marketing Communication = $40Belch,G, Belch, M , Kerr,G , Powell, I 2012, Advertising: An Intergrated Marketinf Communication Perspective, 2 edn, McHrawHill. International Management = $ 40 Luthams, F, Doh, J 2012, International Management Culture, Strategy. and Behaviour, 8 edn, McGrawHill. Stretegic Management : = $40 Johnson, G, Whittington, R, Scholes, K 2011, Exploring Strategy , 9 edn, Prentice Hall. Organisation Dynamic Jones, G.R 2013, Organisational Theory, Design, and Chamge, 7 edn, Pearson. = $40 Human Resource Management Dessler,G, Griffiths, J, Lloyd-Walker, B 2007, HRM Theory Skills Appliation, 3 edn, Pearson. Management principle Bartol, K, Tein, M, Matthews, G, Sharma, B, Scott-Ladd, B 2011, Management A Pacific Rim Focus , 6 edn, McGrawHill. CONTACT NO: 0433558071 |
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