只要不出现内部腐败的现象, not easy ..............祈祷雅安作者: Pyree 时间: 21-4-2013 09:55
I have no doubt China can handle it alone if corruption is controlled. But the relationship with Japan is not so good right now. Accepting help from Japan is a good way to build relationship. Helping each other in a disaster benefit both the earthquake victims and the relationship between China and Japan.作者: 82ndq 时间: 21-4-2013 12:08 作者: 六合江山 时间: 21-4-2013 13:39
必有所谋。作者: gelen 时间: 21-4-2013 20:17
中国政府简直是在草菅人命。中国没有大型的运输直升机,现在所有救援设备都运不到灾区作者: louiseeeee 时间: 21-4-2013 20:19
所以不到8级以上就绝不会让外国人来的。而且现在中国最不缺的就是人了。。。。要是实在想帮忙的话,那就捐点物资过来吧。。。作者: d520k 时间: 21-4-2013 21:29
拿积分开贴吖~~~~作者: sd03415 时间: 22-4-2013 08:26