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标题: 哪位有申请过亲属担保679签证的经验,进来一下谢谢 [打印本页]

作者: guesswhat    时间: 25-11-2012 19:26
标题: 哪位有申请过亲属担保679签证的经验,进来一下谢谢

作者: Dickson_Bao    时间: 25-11-2012 19:49
作者: dog101    时间: 25-11-2012 20:34
我给父母申请过。很简单。就按照679的check list挨个对上就行了。不用啥无犯罪。


1. 是否有足够资金供你在澳洲消费。请记住,不是单纯银行账户有多少钱,有每月工资条比账上有6万澳元管用
2. 能否保证申请人按时离境。提供在家乡有工作、房产还有亲朋好友等信息,可以让你免交保证金

作者: guesswhat    时间: 26-11-2012 08:30
dog101 发表于 2012-11-25 21:04
我给父母申请过。很简单。就按照679的check list挨个对上就行了。不用啥无犯罪。

以下是个人观点,仅供参 ...

但是我看679checklist 上说,You must meet character requirements,那我要怎么provide我家人是good character?

作者: 老A    时间: 26-11-2012 09:31
guesswhat 发表于 2012-11-26 09:00
但是我看679checklist 上说,You must meet character requirements,那我要怎么provide我 ...

What is the character requirement?
Everyone who wishes to enter Australia must be assessed against the character requirements.
Meeting the character requirement for temporary and permanent migration
For the Australian Government to determine whether you are of good character, you may be asked to provide police certificates for each country you have lived in for 12 months or more over the last ten (10) years since turning 16.
If you are applying outside Australia, you do not have to provide this information when you apply. You will be advised when it is required.
If you are applying in Australia, you should provide this information with your application.
Instructions for providing character-related information are included in the health and character section of the Partner, Child, Parent and Other Family booklets which are available from this website
Subject to availability, you can obtain a printed copy from a migration office in Australia or overseas for a minimal cost.
作者: guesswhat    时间: 26-11-2012 11:20
老A 发表于 2012-11-26 10:01
What is the character requirement?
Everyone who wishes to enter Australia must be assessed agains ...

作者: dog101    时间: 26-11-2012 21:12

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