标题: 阿大选课问题 [打印本页] 作者: lyyylyyy 时间: 14-7-2009 15:40 标题: 阿大选课问题 老哥我正在注册阿大的经济学MASTER,有几个问题请教下:
3,QULIFICATION REQUIREMENTS 是48 UNITS, CORE COURSES 有8门每门3 UNITS,那就是24UNITS,ELECTIVES有三大块,每块4门,原话是: The choice of electives allows students to tailor theirprogram according to their educational background and careeraspirations. In addition to a generalist track, there are three optionsfor specialisation in health management, health technologies, ordevelopment economics. To fulfil the requirements for specialisation,students have to complete at least 3 prescribed courses (9 units) fromone specialisation area. 若这样,CORE(3X8=24)加上ELECTIVES(3x3x3=27)一共51 UNITS,怎么回事呢?DISSERTATION 仅适用于D的成绩,汗! 4,有一门课无法搜索到,是否意味今后才开呢?