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标题: Hard to say goodbye. [打印本页]

作者: ftan    时间: 23-11-2011 08:24
标题: Hard to say goodbye.
It has been a while. I started in July, and tomorrow is my last day in that organization.
The experience has been great.
The clients i met are great.
The people i work with are lovely and professional, no gossiping or trying to bring ppl down.

I feel happy and sad at the same time,
Happy cuz i am finishing off everything.
Sad cuz I will not be here anymore.

Guess it's time for me to say goodbye to this lovely place, lovely people and my lovely clients.

作者: aurora.w.w    时间: 23-11-2011 09:00
are u going back to china?
作者: 大猛哥    时间: 23-11-2011 09:13
回复 ftan 的帖子

very good experiance.
作者: ftan    时间: 23-11-2011 09:24
aurora.w.w 发表于 2011-11-23 10:00
are u going back to china?

I am not from china.
作者: ftan    时间: 23-11-2011 09:24
大猛哥 发表于 2011-11-23 10:13
回复 ftan 的帖子

very good experiance.

hey, are you back? ahahahah. =) indeed.
作者: aurora.w.w    时间: 23-11-2011 11:39
回复 ftan 的帖子

very good that you still can read chinese.
作者: mem    时间: 23-11-2011 11:50
It's a small city in a small world.   There is always chance to meet your lovely ppl.
Your lovely experience never ever vanishes as it's been firmly imprinted in your book of history.
作者: under-8    时间: 23-11-2011 13:45
miss u babe...when is ur flight?
作者: 大猛哥    时间: 23-11-2011 15:28
回复 ftan 的帖子

i know who u r now, yeah i am back.
作者: ftan    时间: 23-11-2011 17:30
aurora.w.w 发表于 2011-11-23 12:39
回复 ftan 的帖子

very good that you still can read chinese.

cuz i am a chinese, =) cheers
作者: ftan    时间: 23-11-2011 17:30
mem 发表于 2011-11-23 12:50
It's a small city in a small world.   There is always chance to meet your lovely ppl.
Your lovely  ...

yea,  you are so right, =) thanks~ you have been a really good friend
作者: ftan    时间: 23-11-2011 17:31
under-8 发表于 2011-11-23 14:45
miss u babe...when is ur flight?

this coming saturday, =)cant wait to go home...
作者: ftan    时间: 23-11-2011 17:32
大猛哥 发表于 2011-11-23 16:28
回复 ftan 的帖子

i know who u r now, yeah i am back.

you are clever~hahahah, i guess under 8 knows who am i too, but, keep it as a secret, hahahha, between us. =)
作者: 大猛哥    时间: 23-11-2011 17:33
回复 ftan 的帖子

That's not a problem @all. Miss u
作者: under-8    时间: 23-11-2011 17:49
ftan 发表于 2011-11-23 18:01
this coming saturday, =)cant wait to go home...

i want go home as well....but the flight ticket is ridiculously expensive...i have to enjoy the sunshine here
作者: ftan    时间: 24-11-2011 10:25
大猛哥 发表于 2011-11-23 18:33
回复 ftan 的帖子

That's not a problem @all. Miss u

hahahah. we can go out when i get back. =) have fun mate!!!!
作者: ftan    时间: 24-11-2011 10:26
under-8 发表于 2011-11-23 18:49
i want go home as well....but the flight ticket is ridiculously expensive...i have to enjoy the su ...

omg. that's not good..... have fun my love. i really need a break from everything.
作者: sunrain2010    时间: 5-12-2011 21:00
there is an old saying in China : 天下没有不散的筵席! Everything has an end at last. That's what life it is.
作者: ftan    时间: 6-12-2011 11:33
sunrain2010 发表于 2011-12-5 22:00
there is an old saying in China : 天下没有不散的筵席! Everything has an end at last. That's what lif ...

i totally agree, thanks, =)

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